Latest Ofsted Reports
Below you can read a copy of our most recent Ofsted report. Ofsted delayed publication of our report as we made several complaints about both the inspection, and the outcome they reached in one of the areas - quality of education.
The report is overwhelmingly positive; four of the five areas were judged as good. The behaviour and attitudes of pupils, their personal development, the leadership and management of the school, and the quality of Early Years provision were all judged good.
The inspection team found the quality of education to require improvement. This means they judge the ‘overall effectiveness’ as requires improvement. The basis for this was that not enough children reach the ‘expected standard’ in the tests they take at the end of KS2 (what we know as SATs). We supplied the inspection team with evidence to show that children who’ve been taught at Welbeck for the majority of their education do reach this standard. We demonstrated that the majority of our pupils who did not reach the standard had only joined the school late in their primary education, some of whom had only recently moved to the UK, and had English as an additional language. We also shared information about the impact the pandemic had on our local community. We do not feel the ‘context’ of the school was given due consideration during the inspection.
Despite our frustration about the report, and the way the inspection was conducted, we are determined to use the report to continue to make Welbeck the best school it can be. The report says ‘It is a place where pupils come first.’ It says your children are ‘proud of their school and their community’. They are ‘wam hearted’ and ‘behave well’. We need to thank you too - whether you responded to the survey, or spoke to inspectors around school - as the inspection recognised the way we work together with you to ensure your children get the best. The report also comments positively about the curriculum leaders have developed, how staff care for pupils, and how children with SEND are supported.